The Great Neck Bikur Cholim is committed to offering the community visits, food, rides to physicians, phone calls, emotional support, aid in family matters when necessary and any other voluntary intervention that would aid that individual during one’s time of mental, or physical status.
This has always been the way in which our community has performed this important function. We are not-for-profit therefore we are a voluntary support group and do not raise funds or donate funds at the present time.
Some visiting options may include, but are not limited to, hospitals, Nursing Homes, Adult Homes, Rehabilitative Facilities, Assisted Living institutions, or private homes where a resident may live.
There are times that a hospital’s Bikur Cholim room requires to be filled with challah and grape juice. Sometimes a person at home just needs to hear a friendly voice on the telephone. If one searches their immediate neighborhoods, it is amazing how many connecting options are available.
For more information please click here to email Robyn Blumner.